Friday, December 2, 2016

Feuilles d'automne

Cet automne j'ai fait des promenades dans la forêt. J'ai été saisie par la beauté des feuilles qui ont changé lentement de couleur pour devenir jaunes, oranges, rouges, dorées et toutes sortes de bruns. Avec la pluie ces couleurs devenaient encore plus intenses. Je n'ai pas résisté et j'ai collecté diverses feuilles de toutes formes et couleurs et je les ai mises à sécher dans des gros livres. J'ai aussi fait des photos pour pouvoir conserver un souvenir des couleurs vives. 
J'ai fait une sélection des feuilles que j'ai arrangé pour peindre un ensemble de feuilles d'automne. Voici donc le processus de travail pour cette oeuvre. 

J'ai adopté un nouvel style de travail qui fait plus de place au dessin:

Ensuite, c'est la peinture aquarelle, feuille par feuille, dans un rythme lent. Les couleurs rendent ce sujet très intéressant et amusant à peindre.

Feuilles d'automne, aquarelle sur papier Arches, 36x51cm, 2016.

Monday, November 14, 2016


L'automne est toujours une source d'inspiration magnifique. Dans cette oeuvre, j'utilise une technique qui mélange dessin et peinture.

Automne, 2016, 30cmx40cm, crayon, aquarelle sur papier Arches. 

Friday, June 10, 2016

Black flowers

There is a tango called "Flores Negras"(Julio De Caro) Black Flowers that I like so much. I like the name itself  that inspired meas well. I have always been thinking "I want to paint black flowers, 
I imagine them beautiful and mysterious". The flowers on this painting are not all black but that was the inspiration. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Painting and Traveling

I have been traveling in the United States for a almost two months now, and I am not painting as much as I usually do. But I have seen so many beautiful things and wonderful landscapes.
Near Thompson Falls, Idaho

And spring flowers…

Tulip Festival near Seattle

… everywhere!



I always like going to the parks and botanical gardens to see the flowers of the moment in the cities that I visit. 
This is a californian poppy that inspired the painting of this post.
I don't always have enough space to work, but sometimes I get lucky and I have a beautiful place with a big table.

Drawings of the flowers that I saw in the botanical garden of San Francisco.

 This is the finished watercolor of orange flowers (California)

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Blossomed trees

With the arrival of the Spring I get a fever of blossomed trees. Every year I try to do a few paintings on this subject. They are so beautiful but it’s difficult to paint because the flowers are small and the colours are so delicate that it’s really hard to touch nature’s perfection with the painting. Anyway I try.
 I started with the drawings and a few little works.

 This painting was an opportunity to change the technique a little bit: now I use a pen to do the drawing first. 

 Then I paint the flowers with watercolours as usual. 

This is the result without background. I haven’t planned the composition too much this time, I just lay it out as I paint based on different drawings I’ve done.
 Finally I add the background using an ink pen (Pentel) and normal ink as well.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Early Spring flowers

This is my first article in English. I hope this is better for everybody who wants to read this blog! 
I made a series of flowers blooming at the beginning of the Spring. I saw these flowers and I photographed them! 
Crocus, 20x20cm

Primroses, 20x20cm

Anemone, 15x15cm

Magnolia, 20x20cm.

Little Iris, 18x23cm.

My desk.

Cherry blossom.

Then I decided to do blossomed trees, but my first try wasn't as I expected. So I decided to change the technique and used ink pen (Micron) for the drawing because there are so many little details! Here are the results of this new research. 

Apple blossom

Draw with pen. 

 Pen and watercolor.